Do I need to speak English to mentor on Growthmentor? We are a world wide organization, so the more languages- the better! When filing in your mentor profile you can...
How do I become a growth mentor? If you are interested in becoming a growth mentor and meet this criteria, please fill in your email on this...
What are the criteria to become a growth mentor? Do you meet the requirements to be a growth mentor? Criteria for qualifying as a growth mentor include: You’ll need...
What are the minimum requirements for filling in my mentor profile? Learn what are the bare minimum requirements for getting your mentor profile online and activated in this article. Required: Basic...
Why is the mentor profile so detailed? The mentor profile is extensive for a reason We admit it – we ask for a lot more information from...
What are the benefits of becoming a growth mentor? I’ll list them in the order of number of references I have heard from the mentors 🙂 It’s fun! It...