City Squads

City Squads are a way for you to meet new like-minded folks in your own city.

Human Relationships has been one of GrowthMentor’s core values since day 1 and we are tickled pink to see how many connections have developed via this platform. Friendships, collaborations, working relationships, business partnerships, etc… we are still waiting to hear about a GrowthMentor wedding- so if you are out there, let us know!

City Squads are mastermind groups based on geographical location.

A big theme that we’ve consistently heard when doing user research over the years is that people want to connect locally. They already have plenty of “online friends” but perhaps are missing the connection of being about to chat about business growth with their local pals over a cappuccino in a local cafe.

Slack Groups

Once you join a squad you will be put into the Slack group for that city.

A dedicated channel for your local compadres to chat socially and share things that are location specific.  

  • Local job openings
  • Networking events
  • Great places to work remotely
  • Local finds that deserve attention (support small businesses!)

Local Meetups

GrowthMentor will sponsor a monthly meetup set up by your City Ambassador, but we hope everyone will be involved with suggestions and brainstorming fun things to do!

Impromptu Meetings

If you want to plan a happy hour, meet for coffee or any other casual meetup, allow us to get the first round or pick up the tab. Message Jessica in Slack for details.

My City isn’t listed

Tell us that you are keen to meet up with some locals and we’ll see what we can do. Live chat is the best way to get ahold of us 🙌 

The beauty of GrowthMentor is that you don’t have to be in a big startup hub to meet with folks who have experience working for leading tech companies. Form your own squad by connecting with people in Slack and using the Community networking feature.

Updated on February 7, 2023
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