How to Build & Track your Growth Budget and Target

Posted on 08 Jul 2022
Growth Marketing
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Set yourself up for growth

Building a growth budget, then tracking success of that budget allocation is key to repeatable, scalable growth!

So many startup growth budgets are built using a "finger in the air" method, often just allocating a portion of total cost output to growth. This is not an effective method.

You need a logical process to ensure you're going to hit your targets. Then, once you've built the budget it's vital to track the success of that budget allocation.

Whether you're a startup founder, a CMO or a growth marketer ambitious to get involved in a company's growth budget allocation this workshop is for you.

You'll learn:

  • How to build a marketing budget
  • How to build 12-month growth targets
  • How to allocate budget based on your marketing strategy
  • How to track the success of your budget allocation
  • Things to avoid when building your budget
  • Common mistakes when tracking success of your growth activities

The mentors in this video

Tristan Gillen
Tristan Gillen πŸš€ Startup Founder | 🎯 Growth Marketer | πŸ” CRM Consultant

Startup Founder πŸš€ | Growth Marketer 🎯 | CRM Consultant πŸ”

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