With GrowthMentor I can schedule tons of calls and have someone giving me advice within a couple of hours or days. That's priceless!
Vassia Sarantopoulou
Tell us about what you are currently working on.
I am a psychologist and mental health educator, founder of AntiLoneliness, and I am building a platform with online courses on mental health and relationships.
I am putting myself out there as a mental health educator: writing a book on perfectionism, and creating content on burnout and anxiety, creating a new website with my new professional identity.
Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?
Before GrowthMentor, I used to feel quite desperate, to be honest.
I would join networking events in order to connect with other entrepreneurs but I wouldn’t find answers to my questions there.
I would seek mastermind groups, but I wouldn’t find the ones I was looking for.
I would hire a coach, but then there would be many areas that would not fall in their area of expertise. So, I would still remain with lots of questions, stuck and overwhelmed.
What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?
The fact that there were so many experts on this platform – nowhere have I ever found so many experts gathered in one place.
Also, the fact that I could book a call with anyone I want, but also with more than one about the same question. Isn’t that awesome?
What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?
I thought it was the variety of the experts, but it’s not only that. It’s the inspiration you get when you talk to all these people. Suddenly all the fears and doubts dissolve.
This was the most unexpected and important advantage of GrowthMentor!
What topics have you mostly discussed with mentors?
Branding, customer journey, growth, edtech.
Is there a specific session/mentor that stands out in your mind as super helpful?
Many of the mentors I talked with were extremely helpful but Adrian Finzelberg has offered a practical and compassionate approach to my struggle and that was really helpful!
I am grateful for all the help!
Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?
After the calls about my branding, I was able to move forward in my new website creation in a more confident way, and that was a great help.
How has GrowthMentor helped you?
The biggest impact that GrowthMentor has had in my life is the confidence that I feel in regard to challenges that will come my way as a solo entrepreneur. I know now that there will be someone to discuss and help me find solutions. I am not alone anymore, and that’s a huge relief.
GrowthMentor is there in many ways: I can bounce an idea at the slack channel, I can share a struggle and have people validating and understanding me, I can reach out to the support team and get more ideas for sorting out challenges, and of course, I can schedule tons of calls and have someone giving me advice within a couple of hours or days. That’s priceless!
What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?
Reliable, valuable, supportive
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