A GrowthMentor call is like having a shot of coffee. It injects more excitement and passion into my day. That excitement injects itself into my work, making me more productive, focused, and driven. That's my favorite benefit of GrowthMentor.
John Wood
Tell us something about yourself and what you are currently working on.
As the founder of Rageheart (and the only employee), I’m currently in charge of everything: marketing, product, finance, and more. We have a great product that generates fantastic testimonials, often unsolicited. However, our marketing needs work.
I’m still trying to figure out the best way to explain what Rageheart is and what it does. It’s like meditation but better; it can replace meditation or improve it, along with many other self-help techniques like gratitude lists, journaling, breathwork, and more.
So, I spend most of my time experimenting with new channels, trying different messaging, and talking to customers about the product. This period, I’m making Instagram reels, YouTube videos, and podcast episodes. I’ve also tried paid advertising, but it’s not sustainable at our current level.
Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?
Like many entrepreneurs, I’m a bit addicted to buying courses. I’ll hold off on buying clothes, but I often don’t think twice about purchasing courses. Some of those courses are great and change everything, while others fall short. But that’s just part of the journey.
Before I found Growth Mentor, buying courses was my main avenue of learning. I’d occasionally read blogs or watch videos, but I prefer paying for information because it’s usually (though not always) of better quality and better organized.
What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?
I think I first heard about Growth Mentor from Khushi at Toption.org. I didn’t sign up right away and a few months went by. Then one day, I remembered Growth Mentor. I’m not sure what compelled me, but I went to look it up again, read a little more about it, and decided to try it out.
I loved the idea of being able to talk to smart people doing cool things about my business. I figured it would probably help me figure out Rageheart – the messaging, the product, all of it.
What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?
For me, it’s the fact that I can talk to people I’d never otherwise get to talk to. I can get their perspective on what I’m working on, ask questions, and refine my elevator pitch every time they ask me to explain Rageheart to them.
It’s often not even about a specific question. I just enjoy getting on the phone and watching them as they look at Rageheart, listening to them think out loud. They often tell me what they’d do if they were in my shoes.
Everyone says something different, so I get a good range of ideas and perspectives. It’s given me some killer ideas for Rageheart—really. It has been a huge help.
What topics have you discussed with mentors, and is there one session or mentor that stands out as super helpful?
I usually start by asking for help with product/market fit. I talk about Rageheart and how the product is good but hard to explain to customers. Then they usually open up my website, scroll through the sales page, and tell me what I could do better. I’ve gotten ideas for paid traffic, improving conversions, and creating YouTube videos.
To be honest, they’ve all been fantastic, and it’s hard to pick just one. I gave one mentor, Tina Louise, access to Rageheart. She went through some of the courses in her own time and sent me feedback on what to change and improve.
I’d also like to nominate the last guy I spoke to, Lucas Mondora. He stayed on the phone for almost an hour (for a 30-minute call) and gave me so much good stuff I was blown away.
But yeah, they’ve all been fantastic, and if I could nominate them all, I would.
Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?
I’ve upped my YouTube game after speaking with someone on Growth Mentor. I’ve also changed one of our sales pages. Most importantly, I’ve walked away from all of the calls excited.
That’s been a surprising benefit of Growth Mentor. I don’t know why it happens, but a GM call is like having a shot of coffee. It injects more excitement and passion into my day. Maybe it’s seeing someone else, someone smart, get excited about Rageheart. When I see that they believe in it, it increases my belief and faith in it too. That excitement injects itself into my work, making me more productive, focused, and driven. That’s my favorite benefit of GrowthMentor.
How has GrowthMentor helped you?
My favorite aspect of Growth Mentor is how I feel after the calls—excited, inspired, and motivated, ready to get to work. I get more done and have more fun. It totally reenergizes me.
I also love riffing on my ideas. It’s not always about a specific question; it’s often about bouncing ideas back and forth, brainstorming, and seeing what comes out of it. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to book more calls—not because I necessarily have a specific problem to solve, but simply to invite serendipity into my business and life. You never know what might come out of a call with someone on Growth Mentor.
What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?
Energizing, inspiring, and supportive.
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