“GrowthMentor has helped SowFlow in the early stages of making crucial decisions and staying on the right track!”

The platform offers great coaches! And it’s a big time-saver that you’re able to connect with them so easily.

Koen Vegter

Country Netherlands
Company SowFlow

Tell us something about yourself and what you are currently working on.

I am the founder of SowFlow, a SaaS start-up that helps organizations create and manage their SOPs and business documentation.

At SowFlow, we assist fast-growing organizations in creating documentation more quickly and keeping it up-to-date with our effective documentation system. This support helps teams save time, educates new hires more rapidly, and ramps up teams more efficiently. Our solution accelerates document creation, enhances document quality, tracks outdated materials, improves accessibility, and fosters ownership of documentation within the organization.

Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?

Before GrowthMentor, I had to rely on my personal network to connect with the right person who had the relevant experience to provide great advice. This process was very time-intensive. Additionally, while I extensively researched our challenges online, this approach was less effective than a mentorship call at GrowthMentor.

What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?

I saw it as a great way to combine my personal development as a founder and to obtain second opinions on relevant challenges at SowFlow. At the time of joining, this primarily concerned how to best share SowFlow’s benefits and value proposition, considering our many different use cases. We greatly benefited from the mentor calls and coaches who challenged us to adopt the right mindset for the challenges we faced.

What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?

The platform offers great coaches! And it’s a big time-saver that you’re able to connect with them so easily.

What topics have you discussed with mentors, and is there one session or mentor that stands out as super helpful?

Sales strategy, effective communication of your value proposition, marketing strategy, and executing a product launch.

I gained something from every mentorship call. For example, I particularly appreciated the calls with Tim van Gerrevink and Luc Lammers as they were really focused on a very specific challenge I was facing. These mentors came very prepared, so I received a lot of value from these discussions. Additionally, it was a lot of fun since they both speak the same native Dutch language as I do 🙂

Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?

We began to focus more, for instance, on one specific use case instead of many different ones. We optimized our cold outreach and found ways to further personalize our efforts. We also shifted our sales approach from initially talking to the decision-maker to first engaging with the person who experiences the problem. Additionally, we confirmed the need to adopt a product-led approach with our product.

How has GrowthMentor helped you?

In addition to all the details above, personally, it has helped me become more confident as a founder. Having your ideas challenged is very beneficial. Moreover, many of my ideas were also confirmed by these experts, which helped me gain confidence that I was on the right path.

What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?

Expertise, community, fun.

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