“Growth mentor is where I go when I need to add a drop of wisdom in my strategy.”

It's incredible how much more productive and effective I am in my role thanks to the fact that I get to speak about my ideas with someone who can serve as a sounding board and either give me advice, validate or challenge me completely.

Natasha Mina

Country Germany
Company StartSteps

Tell us something about yourself and what you are currently working on.

I am in charge of marketing efforts for an Ed-Tech company with 1 co-founder. My company offers tech courses through 1:1 mentoring and orientation to help unemployed people in Germany choose the best boot camp or refine their tech skills. I lead the paid marketing efforts as a one-person marketing team. Although my main role is running paid ads, I also wear many hats, including creative and business intelligence roles.

On the side, I enjoy sharing content on LinkedIn for founders of young startups who aim to grow sustainably.

Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?

I used to go to Reddit quite a lot (I still find it useful today) and I follow good content creators who post about paid ads on LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok. These resources are useful. The old-fashioned way of googling something often led to a rabbit hole, where I would end up spending more time than I’d like to admit figuring things out.

What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?

It was a no-brainer. I had never come across such an accessible platform focused on growth with this business model before. I wish I had access to it when I was working in similar roles in the past.

What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?

One of my favorite aspects is the confidence it gives me in my decision-making. Instead of doubting myself, I can validate my ideas with others and implement them faster. I love the communal aspect and the feeling of support. I also get to network with people I wouldn’t have met otherwise. The Slack group has been incredibly helpful. Sometimes I need assistance with more intensive projects, and it’s great to know there’s a community where I can get recommendations for freelancers with specific skills. I also love that the platform is so well-curated, prompting me to write effective help requests. This process helps me clarify exactly what I need, which isn’t always obvious when you’re a one-person team.

What topics have you mostly discussed with mentors?

I have discussed a lot about Facebook Ads, Google Ads, automation, and personal branding.

Is there a specific session/mentor that stands out in your mind as super helpful?

The session with Alex Lambropoulos was extremely helpful as it allowed me to untangle the challenges of centralizing our data and achieving a single source of truth for all our marketing and sales data. Alex helped me break down my problem so I could approach it step by step. He also showed me a much simpler solution than what I had in mind, suggested tools to try, and even offered to review my use of those tools in a follow-up call. After our call, I feel much closer to getting to that single source of truth and saving time in reporting each day, solving a huge pain point.

Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?

After my session with Olga Khusnetdinova, I was prepared to start my new role with fresh ideas for Facebook Ads and once I started I was able to do a second call where I even shared my screen to validate some of the setups.

I also had a session with Stefan Secker about Google Ads which is not my main area of expertise and came up with a new structure for our campaigns.

After my call with Sunni Sukumar, I was able to determine whether the steps I had in mind to set up analytics and attribution were the right ones and it allowed me to identify what were the next steps I needed to take.

How has GrowthMentor helped you?

Growth Mentor has really helped me feel less alone in my job. It’s like having a team and a safe space to ask for help from people who’ve been where I am. Plus, it’s helped me spot things I didn’t see before. Sometimes, I’ll bring up a problem and realize there’s a much easier fix than I thought. Or that I actually have another problem I didn’t think about.

Two minds think better than one and it’s incredible how much more productive and effective I am in my role thanks to the fact that I get to speak about my ideas with someone who can serve as a sounding board and either give me advice, validate, or challenge me completely. This platform offers exceptional value for money.

What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?

Efficient, empowering, wise.

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