Todd Hoff

Lena Sesardic
Craig Zingerline
Skip the research and get the answers straight from an expert.
Tired of spending hours on search engines looking for advice?
Unlimited 1:1 mentorship for one low monthly rateNataly Onkina
Jon Chui
Nathan Sudds
How does it work?
Browse through our list of mentors using the filters. Make sure to read their profiles and reviews in depth, and make your choice.
Found the perfect mentor for you? Awesome, time to request a call. Tell them a bit about your situation, choose a time, and get it set on your calendar.
Time for the call, yay! Make sure you show up on time and prepared to make the most out of it. Pro tip: Ask your mentor if it’s ok to record the screen so you can take notes later.
Common Use Cases
View allFrequently asked questions
Below are a few scenarios where talking to a product management mentor can help.
- If you are new to product management and feel overwhelmed and want to be mentored by an experienced product manager
- If you have trouble communicating with various stakeholders and want advice on how to deal with situations of indecisiveness
- If you’re frustrated that your organization doesn’t value agile lean principles and are stuck in their old disorganized and inefficient ways
- If you want a second opinion on your product roadmap, there are certain features that could potentially be shaved off
- If you need help with user research and making sense of the data from user testing specialists who focus on that element
We have a very detailed filter system for you to sort the mentors. Filters like areas of expertise, tools, language, price and industry.
Members can also post a help request and have mentors apply to help if they feel they are a good fit.
Then the third option is to just ask us! Give it a try right now and ask us on live chat 🙂
Three choices:
- Skype
- Zoom
- Google Hangouts
Mentors and mentees are able to set their communication tools in their profile settings.
It is a good idea to connect with the other person once the session is accepted and the details are given. This ensures that the correct details were given and when it is time to start, you can start on time.
Here are some tips on how to get the maximum bang for your time on growth mentor calls.
- Come into this with realistic expectations. They’re mentors, not magicians.
- Ask your mentor if they’d be cool with you recording your screen with Loom
- Give contextual information to help paint the picture of your current situation.
- Growth mentors will be asking you lots of questions, answer them as honest as possible.
- Don’t be afraid to push the boundaries of question asking. Be inquisitive. Stories are gold.
- Don’t feel pressure, just relax. There’s no right/wrong way to do this. Avoid binary thinking.
- Try to form mental patterns, especially if you speak with multiple mentors. Pay attention to metadata.
- Embrace alternative views. Ask the mentors to play devil’s advocate and challenge your assumptions.
- Be friendly and authentic. If you’re likable, the mentors will be your biggest supporters (even after the call is over).
Yup! Many of the mentors offer monthly coaching packages for members who want to really dive deep into a specific area.
Each mentor creates their own package so what they offer and the price vary from mentor to mentor. You can find their coaching info at the top of their profile.
Join the community
Enjoy the peace of mind that advice is always only one Zoom call away.