A Startup Approach to Enterprise Growth: The IBM Story

Posted on 13 Dec 2020
Building teamsExperimentationGrowth Marketing
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About this talk

Establishing an agile, scalable growth program anywhere is difficult; let alone at one of the world's oldest and largest technology companies. But in the last three years growth adoption has scaled over 10x at IBM, with the founding team generating nearly $40M in ARR from experiments along the way.

Hear about how a fresh, disruptive, entrepreneurial approach allowed for ground-breaking experiments, additional investment, standardization, and rapid velocity and scale that has elevated IBM's enterprise growth program as among the best-in-class.

It's an inspiring story for any growth professional!

The mentors in this video

Jason Barbato Growth, Inbound, Product Marketer. Advisor and Mentor. Former Best-In-Class Enterprise Growth Hacker at IBM.

Currently a SaaS and startup growth consultant and Senior Director of Growth at HYPR. Former VP of Growth at Orange Pegs, an award-winning growth agency. From 2016-2019 I developed, launched, and scaled a $40M+ growth hacking program at IBM, running 200+ experiments across the Cloud marketplace.

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