How to get started in email marketing for your e-commerce business

Posted on 30 Jan 2023
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Newsletter and Flow strategies to increase your online revenue

Get your email marketing tips from other 7 figures e-commerces.

Email marketing is one of the most profitable communication channels between your e-commerce and your clients.
In this workshop, we'll discuss how other successful e-commerce businesses manage their newsletters and campaigns so that you can apply the same tips to your business.

In this workshop, you will hear about:

  • Why email marketing is key
  • How to properly segment your audience
  • How to create a performing newsletter
  • What are the main flows to activate
  • How to A/B test the emails efficiently
  • What are the key metrics to measure

The mentors in this video

Nicolas Moulin Email Marketing for Fashion Brands - Partner @ Seven to One

If you are looking to grow your ecommerce through performance marketing, email marketing, or simply by brainstorming some ideas, I’d be super excited to talk!

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