GrowthMentor LIVE: Avoid Growth Traps: How & When to Diversify Channels

Posted on 30 May 2024
Growth Marketing
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Wondering if you should diversify your growth channels?

Speaking from 25 years of combined experience, Lisa Kennelly and Hannah Parvaz join forces to discuss how to think strategically about diversifying your growth channels. 

In this fireside chat, they will explore when and when not to introduce a new channel, how to test the waters with new channels, and when to stay focused. 

Expect war stories, real-world tactics, and actionable insights to help you untangle growth. 

This session is essential for founders, entrepreneurs, and Heads of Growth who want to scale smart.

You'll Learn:
🧪 How to start testing new channels
🎯 What signals a viable growth channel
⚖️ When to introduce a new channel vs when to stay focused

The mentors in this video

Hannah Parvaz App Marketer of the Year | Founder @ Aperture

App Marketer of the Year I grow apps (and other companies) by building brands, community, and making products that people want to use.

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