GrowthMentor LIVE: Personal Branding Primer: Escape the Competition Trap

Posted on 04 Jun 2024
Content Marketing
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Is your audience clear on what you stand for and why they should care?

The key to style is learning who you are, which takes years.

There's no how-to roadmap to style. It's about self-expression and, above all, attitude.

But why style? Because the world craves authenticity, it's a way out from the competition trap.

So, how do you build an authentic brand that stands out in a sea of capable experts? 

What is the path to consistently earning attention, building trust, and getting access to new opportunities?

Learn from the people who’ve made the journey (and skip some of their mistakes!)

You'll Learn: 

🤖 The KPI framework to get started with personal branding
👀 How to start - even if your inner critic says no one wants your opinion
💸 Strategies to convert your audience’s attention into profitable action.

So tune in for personal branding advice you won't hear anywhere else.

The mentors in this video

John Ostrowski
John Ostrowski Product Growth Consultant | I help you prioritize and make data-informed product decisions.

My mission in Growth Mentor is to guide product leaders in the journey of experimentation, from 0 to 1, for better decision-making. In exchange, I get exposure to different business challenges and learn from growth-minded leaders, a positive win-win.

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