Where the Product Grows
About this talk
Many companies make the mistake of keeping teams too siloed. We're all aware of how ineffective and potentially detrimental this can be. But at the intersection of marketing, data, and product, exists an opportunity for growth so powerful, metrics can be better predicted and growth can become inevitable.
The mentors in this video
I’ve been in the digital space for well over a decade. I’ve worked with lean startups to corporate enterprises, as well as startups acquired by enterprises for $36 million. I thrive on Design Thinking that solves not just for users but takes your resources and bottom line into account as well. This keeps your team and process as lean and focused as possible. I’ve helped implement product processes across companies. These adapt accordingly but always follow a Learn, Build, Test, Ship process. This process allows the most innovative ideas to come to the table while staying efficient and result-oriented.
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